Just a quick thanks for the outstanding job did developing our web site. As the new owner of The Truck Stop it was clear shortly after the acquisition, we would need to re-brand the company. We listened to several web development firms proposals and know for certain we made the right choice with DMH Graphics.
We had little experience with building a web site, but knew doing it ourselves was not an option. You presented yourself in a no nonsense way, took the time to explain any questions we had and educated us on how SEO and Google works. We much appreciated your completing every task on time, even when we may not have. Your skills as a graphic play well into your web design, as from the beginning your ideas were spot on.
We have much to do in marketing our small business, but it is reassuring to know we have the support we need with respect to web design, SEO management, e-mail marketing campaigns and more. We are making great progress.